
Category: Pop Culture

Noah, I Am Your Father

For those last minute shoppers looking for the perfect holiday gift to bestow upon certain un-named…

Pieces of Me

Joe Simpson, proud papa and manager for both Ashlee and Jessica Simpson, recently described moody teen…

Tommy Two-Tone

A modern day dilemma. My mobile phone company is currently offering both Under Pressure by Queen…

No…I’m Not Ready Mr. Williams Jr.

Being a full-fledged American football fan, I can say unequivocally nothing gets me more fired up…

I’m Hot, Sticky Sweet

A boy band has covered Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar On Me. Somewhere in Northeastern Pennsylvania,…


Donald Trump speaks to me over my car radio. Every day during my afternoon drive home,…

Apparently, Richard Simmons Was Unavailable

Dialouge from “Tax Reform Commando” Matrix: Remember Sully when I promised to kill your wimpy socialist…

A Swatch of Fresh Chicory Adds a Decorative Touch to Your Shiv

It looks like I’ll be putting up Martha Stewart for a few months. Okay, not just…

Blog Mad Libs

Johnny Ramone of the Ramones had to issue a statement today to counteract a report that…

Insert Apple Pun Here

Cruel namings of celebrity children must be stopped! Gwyneth Paltrow’s latest crime against the infantile set…