
Author: ranzino

Many people have tried to accurately capture the essence that is Brian, but this much is known to be true: he has dutifully paid the hosting bill for since 2001.

Blog Mad Libs

Johnny Ramone of the Ramones had to issue a statement today to counteract a report that…


Old Spice released its annual list of the 100 Sweatiest Summertime Cities today. As it turns…

Wrinkle-Free Checking

Recently, my cozy little hometown bank merged with another cozy little hometown bank and a huge…

And Me Without My Coconut Radio

The producers of The Bachelor are in the early stages of creating a reality TV version…

Daytime TV News & Notes

A few notes from my marathon week of daytime television viewing. I love the Price is…

Obscurity in Straight Sets

Here’s a little quiz for you: The French Open is… a. …the newest taste sensation from…

Better Than the Prom in Carrie

I was listening to the local pop station while getting dressed this morning. The crazy and…

Try Aisle 9 Instead

You may find yourself in the following situation: You’re at the grocery store standing in front…

4-Hour Work Day

Let’s forget for a moment that NFL players, on average, make more than 1 million dollars…

For That Deep Down Nielsens Thirst

Gatorade is helping ESPN celebrate its 25th anniversary this summer by releasing an ESPN-flavored beverage. This…